Tuesday, October 4, 2011


Making a montage sounds simple, but with the criteria for making the video it was it made a little difficult. It was still fun filming random situations and I almost got hit with a plastic ball. In my mind I just wanted to finish this project, but I didn't have anyone to help me out till my cousin and brother came home. I asked them if they could help me out with the video. I was soon just try finding random things that they could use, which I found a plastic bat and plastic ball so I told them just play a game and I’ll record them. Once that shot was done I saw plastic bag and recorded it right away before the bag hits the fence. Then I told my cousin to throw a few beanbags in the air till I feel I got the shot, but since the bags go so fast I have to put slow motion on that part of the montage. Since there was a good amount of wind I decided to film the tree in my backyard since, leafs of the tree were moving at a good pace for the motion montage. I still was missing some shots so I looked into youtube for the extra shots and looked at my footage and it looked boring so I looked for funny videos though it sill went with the montage criteria assignment. I just put the youtube videos in between my footage so it doesn’t seem all my footage goes first then the youtube videos are last shown. Even though this project was fun the editing wasn’t because my computer kept slowing down and I was afraid that the program might crash, but in the end it went all well.

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