Tuesday, October 25, 2011


I chose the word monkey for my audio project because I really wanted a random word that nobody will pick and it sounds funny if you say it in a different voice. I chose the program garageband on my Mac to do my audio project and because it’s the only audio editing software I have. I was still new to this editing software the recording was easy the rest was hard. It was a very difficult time doing this project since I nearly spent 3 hours on a project that looks that would take 30 minutes. Plus choosing what instruments will fit with this word, but then I think of monkeys are random poop throwing natures jokers creatures so I just put random instruments and hopefully. I couldn’t made make it the word backwards because I was still new to garageband so I was only able just edited my voice to different pitches. Though throughout the whole entire process it was a long and hard duplicating voices, changing voice pitch, picking background instruments to go with the word and I somehow finished the assignment and it was fun experimenting with my editing software, but I doubt I’ll be using it for sometime now.

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