Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Response to Electronic / Electroacoustic music

As I sat down after watching a mass spree of The Walking Dead on Sunday. I was having a hard time remembering what it was we needed to do for the homework. Then I remembered that we took a look at Kraftwerk and will continue this today.
Once I remembered, instead of reading I chose to listen to some of the Electro music that was posted on Ubuweb; this is also because I love music more than anything.
Right before class last week, I talked to Mr. Oleksiuk about Kraftwerk and how me and my cousin would occasionally make fun of them for their live performance of "Pocket Calculator." I did not appreciate their music for what it is, and after watching half the video last week I had no idea what their part was in anything. Regardless, I took a listen to some of the songs.
I would have to say that Messiaen - Oraison might be my favorite. Anything that has to do with orchestraic instruments I fall in love with. I listen to a lot of Beethoven and Mozart. I do enjoy some Techno, but my main Music passion is metal obviously; which probably plays a part in why I do not appreciate majority of electronic music.

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