Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Topic Proposal

Movies are highly imaginative of future human-computer interactions from 2001: Space Odyssey, Star Wars and more recently, Minority Report. However, there are also videos published by companies imagining the future of technology. These videos that imagine the future that were published years ago are prophetic of technological expectations that we take for granted today. While videos published from AT&T and Knight Ridder are promoting their company and brand awareness, they also inspire future technologists to design and develop these future technologies. Recently, Microsoft published their future vision that amazed people and was criticized. There is nothing revolutionary in upcoming and future technologies but rather it is continually evolving and becoming more refined each iteration. For example, the iPad wasn't the first tablet to the market but it was the best executed by a manufacturer that bears a similar interaction and functionality of the Knight Ridder tablet in the aforementioned video.

1 comment:

  1. This sounds like a great paper topic. The science fiction references will be easier if not overwhelming (because imagining the future is the core of the genre). On the other hand, the corporate angle is definitely the less traveled road as far as a paper of this sort is concerned. Make an outline and start looking for book resources.
