The subject that I am going to use for my final term paper is on the chaning media on video game counsels. I will be talking about how video game has changed from a little lite on a screen to a 2D pixle plumer to first person 3 Dimension character. I will also talk about how the usage of the gaming counsel change as well.
Spelling counts!
This paper topic can be a challenge - because I will encourage you to go into detail on _why this matters_ and _why this is important_. Is there a theoretical reason why 3D avatar identity is engaging? Is the 2D pixel plumber important in any way other than a stepping stone from 1D to 3D? You will have to look at what other people have written on this subject to support your argument. You will need to use examples from scholarly texts (articles, books) and not just your personal observations. Get thee to the library and check out some books on this topic.