Wednesday, November 16, 2011

First Computing Experience

I was 7 or 8 at the time when Windows 95 was released.  I remember asking my mother to take me to Best Buy to purchase an upgrade copy for a Pentium PC that we had in the house that I often tinkered with.  I was very excited to get my hands on it and at a price of $100, it was pretty expensive and I felt spoiled for getting such an expensive "toy".  Using the computer at my young age wasn't for the sake computing or generating and consuming content but rather to use and tinker for the sake of using and tinkering.  Mom should consider this an investment in my future.  I vividly remember the visuals and music of the installation screens of upgrading Windows 3.1 to Windows 95 and the long, two hour countdown for it to complete.  I felt great satisfaction successfully completing the upgrade and the question was what now?  I wasn't a serious gamer but I played a couple of games.  Few years later, I got a copy of Microsoft Frontpage to author my first awful webpages.  This culminated into the present day where I have an interest and pursuing a career in web design and development but also further into user interface/experience design.  Human-Computer interaction is what interest me.

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