Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Paper Proposal

For my final paper, I decided to go more towards the theory of media side of things, as opposed to the history of it. I will be writing about the theory of spatial presence and how it is implemented in media, more so in video games. My paper will include the process in which video games use visiual, audible, and psychological techniques to submerge you into a story, and all that jazz.

1 comment:

  1. OK I like theoretical papers, but you have to get into some detail here. I want to know what theories or theorists you might examine in getting where you want to go. As a starting point consider Trond Lundemo's essay on Gesture:

    Remember, a scholarly paper doesn't just rely on your personal observations (although your opinions are also very welcome). You'd do well to chart a course that dwells on some things we've talked about in class that relate to theory. What effect does spatial presence have in Fluxus events or intermedia? What about early Edison films? I'm not looking for the historical angle here, per se, just a contrast element to ground what you are after interms of a comparison.
