Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Earliest Experience with Computing/Gaming

The earliest experience I had with gaming was at the age of three. I grew up around mostly guys during my childhood and they played a lot games. So eventually I started to catch on and play video games as well. Ever since then I have been pretty fascinated with them. I always wondered how they were made and who came up with these ideas. At first I thought games were made from computers or robots because I didn't know any better. But then my brother later told me that there are actual people that come up with these games. After I found that out, I wanted to do the same thing as them. I wanted to create characters and create stories that people would be entertained by. So I decided to come here to Columbia because they had a good program as far as what I wanted to do. And it's pretty cool to be surrounded around other people that have the same interest as me.

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