I want to explore the development of video game "feel" through the advancement of technology. By feel I mean the way the game reacts to the controller and player input and the range in which it reacts.
OK. This needs a much more detail although it seems like you have a specific trajectory that works for me. You have to define a) which technologies, and b) which "feels" you can distinguish. YOu will want to keep this strict focus throughout the paper and not devolve into game descriptions. Also, be aware that you need to base your writing on scholarly material (what others have written on the subject) and not just your own observations. Make that outline and start gathering your resources now - could be a good paper if you approach your subject carefully.
OK. This needs a much more detail although it seems like you have a specific trajectory that works for me. You have to define a) which technologies, and b) which "feels" you can distinguish. YOu will want to keep this strict focus throughout the paper and not devolve into game descriptions. Also, be aware that you need to base your writing on scholarly material (what others have written on the subject) and not just your own observations. Make that outline and start gathering your resources now - could be a good paper if you approach your subject carefully.