Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Beginning of the Inspiration

When I was little I didn't care very much for toys. I soon noticed my brother playing Sonic the Hedgehog on his Sega Genesis seeing the characters being control by a controller that my brother is holding. When my brother left the room I right away picked up the game and stared playing. I was fascinated by how I'm able to control the main character with the controller I'm holding and how the art of the entire game looked, but that only sparked my interest in game design. The game responsible, which I don't remember the name of the game, but that led me to this career was horrible. It felt it was rush, the controls didn't work well, and for being in the N64 era the graphics was awful. That day I made a sworn promise that I would make a game that is better than this garbage and that's how end up here today.

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