Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Video Editing for N00bs Response

In the article “Video Editing for N00bs” by Mark Montgomery, it talks about the proper way of making a video. I found reading this article very helpful even though I have had some experiencing making amateur videos of my own. Even so, I know that I can take what I’ve learned and use it to aid me in making any other videos in the future. One thing I found helpful was the fact that we should make the videos simple. That doesn’t mean that it should be boring and not catch other people’s interest, but the storyline should be made clear. You should always make a video that will catch your audience’s attention, but they should also be able to understand what is going on. Things can get pretty hectic at times so it is important to keep all of the files your using organized in a folder so it will be easy to access later. It is also important to manage your time in the video. For example: very important moments shouldn’t go by so quickly so that the audience won’t be able to catch it. Leave it there for a nice period of time so the audience isn’t left wondering what just happened. Lastly, the author states that when it comes to the credit roll, remember to give yourself, and anyone else that worked on the project, the credit you/they deserve. He also gives websites in which you can have your videos seen. I’ve also done this, where I’ve made a video and posted it to YouTube or even Facebook so that I would get feedback. I found it very helpful because some people offered their feedback and some constructive criticism so that I will be able to make a better video the next time around. This was a pretty good article.

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