Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Reading Response- Grace Taking Form: Marey's Movement Machines

When I read “Grace Taking Form: Marey’s Movement Machines,” I was very confused at first and throughout the majority of the text. I kind of got what he was saying in some areas, but most of the time I was quite overwhelmed by it all. What I got what that he was trying to make a machine that would allow you to see the things that were actually there but you could not see it. So I was guessing it was like being able to measure things like sound waves and the like and having it being recorded down on paper. Even though I didn’t get the majority of what was going on besides him being really obsessed with movement, I thought it was really interesting. He had a lot of determination to do what he wanted to do. I would call him very dedicated as well because he spent his life trying to make these machines that were to measure movement. What I also found interesting was the fact that, in a way, whenever he found a flaw in one of his machines or discovered something new, he would make them better. And then when something else came up, he would change it up again. He wanted everything to be perfect. Another way to say that is that it was like he was trying to make his machines to adapt to the times (if that makes any sense). It’s kind of like with businesses that sell clothes. They try to keep up with the times because if they don’t then nobody would want their clothes. In his case, he made changes to the machines because if he didn’t then they would be obsolete. I don’t know if I’m really making sense and it feels like I’m rambling my thoughts, but that’s basically what I got out of it.

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