Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Response to Video Editing for N00bs

Mark Montgomery wrote a simple, very easy guide to getting started into video editing. The author assumes the reader is young, a student and technically inclined and saavy so that getting started into video editing should not be a hurdle and those responsibilities may possibly be asked upon by a family member or at work.

The first step is acquiring the equipment needed to perform video editing such an external harddrive, extra monitor and various software from built into the operating system to professional level Final Cut Pro or Adobe Premiere.

The next step is to come up with a file naming convention and organization of video, audio and picture files to be stored so that files can be referenced easily.

Then it is finally time to think about story telling through A/B editing with A being the primary action of the video and B being the ancillary and visual additions to the video. Context must be carefully thought of to present an interesting subject matter in the form of video to the audience.

Finally, add credits to the video for the proud people involved in the work.

I found this article extremely simple to read and contained nothing new to me into the foray of video editing. However, it did serve as an excellent refresher to me to get started in working with video.

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