Monday, September 19, 2011

Response: Video Editing for Noobs

This was a quite a short read so there's not going to be much to say in terms of a response to this. Also, adding in the fact that I've taken a class on video production lessens the amount I have to say about the read. However, I will say it was a great refresher since I haven't practiced video editing in quite a while.

Keeping your files and scenes organized is a great skill to learn as it explains in the excerpt. I've noticed this not only in video editing, but also in things like web design and game design. Keeping your files organized helps you get to what you're looking for faster, and also makes it easy for structuring your final output, whether it's a video, website, or video game.

I do like how it explains video editing in a fashion that even someone who isn't great at drawing out a storyline can still make a solid video just by editing the video with certain techniques in mind, e.g. pacing your scenes and mixing up the chronological order of the shots within the scene.

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