Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Reading Response: Video Editing For Noobs

This article was useful for me being a “NOOb” it delivered important rules to editing video like 3 second before any cut scene. This is important because in today media videos are cut into so many scenes. It’s unnoticed how much work the editor goes through creating your favorite movie. The most important thing in creating a video is the amount of footage you capture it don’t matter because you can edited it so capture as much as possible. I tried to make video without editing it never came out great because all the mistake and audio imperfection. Such as the background noises, voices, shifting of cameras.
The article say to make a video you need to establish two main part of the video. One is the primary massage of the video. The massage should be clear to the viewer or audience this is call the A-roll. The extra tricks and footage can be combined to give the video more spunk or design to help make the A-roll clearer.

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