Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Response to Video Editing for N00bs by Mark Montgomery

In his article "Video Editing for N00bs" Mark Montgomery talks about the particulars of video editing as it pertains to a novice video maker. He makes a point to say that a full size keyboard would be absolutely essential, as it provides the user the ability to use quick shortcuts. “Keyboard shortcuts are an editor’s best friend”, he says. He also talks about the software one would use to edit their videos starting from free programs like Apple iMovie and Microsoft Movie Maker, to relatively inexpensive programs like Adobe Premier Elements and Apple Final Cut Express to full blown production suits like Adobe Premier Pro and Apple Final Cut Pro. He tells the reader to be mindful of their naming convention when it comes to organizing the folders and accompanying files for ease of retrieval and storage. Then he goes on to talk about some general editing techniques and how it’s important to have a specific goal in mind when it comes to developing a storyline. He also says that it’s important to keep the audience captivated and that in order to do so one should use ample B-roll footage to compliment the main narrative that’s being portrayed in the A-roll. He illustrates this through the use of some particular examples. He also mentions that the pacing of time does not always have to follow a linear fashion and that editors have at their disposal the ability to jump between “times” with their cuts. He finishes his article by telling the read that they should include credits at the end of their work to credit themselves and whoever else helped them on the video, and to be proud of their work and share it on video posting sites like and

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