Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Response to Video Editing for N00bs

My first impression of the article is that it appears old. Just looking at it, the font, the ads and the B-roll shots, it looks like it was made in the early 2000's. But I press on. Having taken a year's worth of Television classes in high school, most of, if not every bit of this makes sense to me. Its all reasonable and basic knowledge. So I guess the title "...for N00bs" makes sense. All of this was covered in my first class in Intro to Television.

However, the way the narration instructs or rather informs the reader on how to edit their video, is pretty non-explanatory. Meaning that it just tells you what to do as opposed to explains why you should do this. Granted, it does explain the file sorting information rather well, but this isn't basics of video editing, its pretty basic for anything related to any type of computer.

Another thing I noticed, is the article doesn't explain any type of video editing, it just gives you examples of things to do. Going back to the statement that this doesn't explain well, putting myself in someone else's shoes, I would be very confused. This article would be a waste of ten minutes had I been seriously inquiring in how to edit my videos.

By Brad Parkkonen

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